Monday, December 8, 2008


Please be encouraged to take the poll at right, inspired by the December 4th blog.

I was listening to Gabe Lyons, founder of the Fermi Project and author with Dave Kinneman of the book, "UNCHRISTIAN." He has begun these 18 minute talk sessions that discuss innovation, mission, culture and vision known as 'Q Talks.'

Listening to one of his sessions with our staff the other day, here's what he pointed out:

'Culture is everything ... air, buildings, art, conversations, language, actions ... everything is culture. There are seven channels that create culture and change. They are: media, arts and entertainment, business, government, education, social sector and church.

Your actions today create the future. The CHURCH is constantly being shaped by the Holy Spirit – the church is fluid, incarnational, alive – and it has huge power to impact the culture.'

I'm believing and trusting that's true.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Matt Brown said...

It's true. Scripture says there were "Christians in Ceaser's court" and from my studies in Church history, it seems God continued to place people in all sorts of influential places throughout the world.