Sunday, December 28, 2008

NONNI & ???

Since the news has now officially been posted here (yesterday) about Joelene and me being soon-to-be grandparents, the debate now begins about what we'll be called by our grandchild. Or rather, what I'LL be called.

Joelene has decided she is to be called 'Nonni' (pronounced 'NO-NEE') -- which is Italian for Grandma. So that's settled. It's actually "Nonna," but I'm told that "Nonni" is the more colloquial version for 'Grandma' over in Italy. She knows. I don't argue with her.

Now - there's ME. I would go with the Italian version myself, even though I'm hardly Italian. Some people say I LOOK Italian, but I'm not. Anyway, Grandpa in Italian is 'Nonno' (pronounced "NO-NO"). I think you see my problem.

I could go with some of my OWN heritage - which would be a little American Indian - but the word for Grandpa in Cherokee is 'Edudi' (pronounced "E-DOO-DEE"), so again - I think you see my problem.

So I am in a quandary as to what to have myself called come mid-August when my granddaughter/grandson (or both) come into this world. Because of that, I'm throwing it out there to all of you. Please - vote in my poll at right and help me decide. (You can vote for more than one.)

And before you mark "NONE OF THE ABOVE" and suggest your OWN name on the comment page -- please note: Grandpa, Granddaddy, Grandpop, Gramps, Grand-Dude, Pops, Pap, Pappy, PawPaw, PeePee, Nana-Booboo, Nemo, Ninny, G-Diddy, Dumpy, Butch and Charlie are all OUT.

Please vote. I'm desperate.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Really PK? THOSE are the only options left? And why exactly have you ruled out the 'normal' grandpa type names? I don't 'see' you as any of the options you provided... but honestly, you know as well as the rest of us that WHATEVER that beautiful child will eventually call you will be perfect and special no matter what--- even if it's "hey-you big guy"!, you will LOVE IT! Congrads and best wishes to you all on the great news!

LA Nickers said...

Well, I got GOMMA, based on my first grandchild. But then, his mom was a wedding present, not my own child.

As a stepparent, I knew I would not be Grandma, Nana, etc. Not that I minded, as I was only 9 years older than his mom. Not exactly ready for prime-time grandparenting.

Maybe this dilemma will resolve itself . . . when the wee one tags you on his or her own. Of course, that can be a risky proposition. Who knows what those first words might be?

You might stack the deck in advance with a suitably sharp moniker.

How about G.K.?

Anonymous said...

Ok... found the OFFICIAL response port.

GRANDPA MANILOW will stick... although a mouthful for your little one.

PK's BLOG said...

Just work with me here.

PK's BLOG said...

You are pure evil.

JCsings4Him said...

OMW!!! This is the exciting/stressful part...what will I be called...for the rest of my natural life?!!?!? And as they get older, will the name I choose embarrass the child???

Seriously, it doesn't matter in the vast scheme of life...the first time you hear that baby say "..."; you will be filled with inexplicable joy!

Amd, being a sappy "Oma"...I LOVE Nonni and Boppie!!!! hehe A Boppie is a cuddly apparatus the baby snuggles in when they are tiny. Precious!

Congrats you guys.

Dr Phil said...

You may think you will choose the name you want to be called, but I can assure you, this child will have his/her own version. Dallise was calling herself Grandma, but that 1st Grandson revised it to Moni and that has stuck for all the following kids. My mother wanted to be called Granny (who knows why), but it came out as Nanoo (yea, I know, shades of Mork and Mindy). However, Dallise and I are going with another suggestion you received, Grandpa Manilow. Maybe it will come out as Mani or Manly and you'll be feeling pretty good about your masculinity. By the way, they chose Papa for me and I love it.

keithdaugherty said...

I think you should go with Edudi. It takes a while before kids can put three syllables together so for some time you might be known as just doo-dee. Yes...I do find that funny!

Anonymous said...

Based on your poll, I am leaning towards G-Pa. Personally, I see nothing wrong with Grandpa. I know it makes you feel older, but when Jill was born, I struggled between Nana and Grandma...she's still young to call me anything, but I think Grandma will win out.

By the opposed to PK is cool, too.

Much love and congrats to the whole family! Especially Whitney and it Sam?

Unknown said...

See my vote on face book.

Anonymous said...

I think G.K. is too cute! And easy for the kid. Especially if there is grandparents on both sides...

Oh- and being a young grandparent is truly a blessing to everyone!

Congrats and God Bless

Christine Wallent

Anonymous said...

Promise me you'll sing "Daybreak" or "I Write The Songs" one time to your grandchild.

Sincerely so happy for you... I wish you and Joelene were my grandparents.

:) Mark

PK's BLOG said...

OK _ NOW You're just starting to TICK ME OFF!!! HAHA. :)

Dadster said...

Why not PK? The little one will hear everyone addressing you with PK and it will seem vey natural.

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks for the suggestion - but HONESTLY - I'm not going to ask my own grandson to call me the equivalent of "PASTOR KEVIN." Maybe, "SIR," but not "PASTOR KEVIN."

Whitney Thulin said...

My child will NOT be calling you "sir"...need I remind you about the "feelings" that I had about calling a grandparent "sir"? By the way - they don't read this do they? :)

Whitney Thulin said...

My child will NOT be calling you "sir"...need I remind you about the "feelings" that I had about calling a grandparent "sir"? By the way - they don't read this do they? :)

Anonymous said...

If you're grandkid doesn't call you doodee, everyone else will HAVE to! Seriously, why did you even bring that to our attention?! :)
Congrats, sir.

Oh, and you're old. :)

Anonymous said...

Dumpy is good too.

PK's BLOG said...

MAESTRO (as if):
At some point, one comes to terms with his/her 'oldness.' It happens. I hope you look as good when you're my age as I do. LOL.

PK's BLOG said...

LOL. I don't know if 'they' read this or not -- probably not all the comment section. And don't worry, I was kidding about the 'sir' thing. "Your Highness" is better, maybe.

Dadster said...

I notice that you did say GRANDSON. I guess we know what you want. :)

evenstarlight said...

That's a rather interesting selection of options....maybe you could just invtent your own name.

I kind of like the hearty sounding British "Grandad"

It's like dad...but with a bit more gravity.

Mrs. M said...

PK - you are SO a Papa!! My parents are Nana and Papa...which was also an Italian nick that was used by our very Italian friends. Boppi is too weird cause of the Boppi that we use to nurse our baby's. Also, Papa is really easy to say and you may get called first before even Mama!

Unknown said...

First of all - congratulations to Nonni and ? from the bottom of our little hearts!

Now - remember that you asked, ok???

The Grand Poohbah or Grand "Un Young Person"

You're welcome! :0)

Keeping all of you in prayer - Don and Beth :0)

PK's BLOG said...

D & B:
"POOHBAH." Hmmmm - that has possibilities. Thanks.

Whitney Thulin said...

Daddyo - Another thing for your pollsters to consider:

Your grandchild is going to be born into an extremely multi-cultural family (which I think is awesome) and therefore means that there will be NO "Grandma" and "Grandpa" on either side (Grandma in Swedish is Far-Mor and Grandpa in Swedish is Far-Far; literally meaning father's mother and father's father). My POINT being, you are not allowed to be called "Papa" because "Pappa" is DAD in Swedish, which will obviously be Sam. :) Just a few fun tidbits. Love you!

PK's BLOG said...

Well - THERE YA GO! Pappa is OFF THE LIST offically - but it was never on MY list anyway. LOVE.

Lisa Kurman said...

So many words if wisdom... so little real choice in the matter. My vote (especially for how it works with Nonni) is Pappi (pronounced "poppy"). Just a reminder to Whitney and Sam: remember that whatever is selected will more than likely be inherited by your sister's children.

PK's BLOG said...

AH YES - one more benefit, deserved or undeserved, of being the 'first born.'

Anonymous said...

How about Reverend Grandfather? That was Ken's suggestion. If that's too formal, try Pop-Tart. :)

PK's BLOG said...

I'll seriously consider POP-TART, although I don't exactly consider myself a 'tart.' REVEREND is, like SIR and PK -- definitely OUT.

Nurse 2 South Africa/UnShattered Hearts said...

My little boy (actually he's one of the precious ones I care for at work) calls his grandpa "Pop-Pop" and I think it's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Dare I weigh in? I had relatives who decided what they would be called. It didn't work for them, but I decided I would try it anyway. It didn't work for me either, but it was my kids' fault: they refused to allow my grandchildren to call me Uncle Tony. My sister's sons call my parents MeeMaw and PeePaw. I would remove every picture of my kids and grandkids from MySpace and Facebook if they tried that on me! Looking back now, it seems a bit pretentious that I was so hung up on what I would be called. (No offense to present company!) My oldest grandson named me, and it stuck with the rest. Now, I have ten grandchildren who call me Papa. Apparently, they don't care what it means in Swahili, and frankly, neither do I. Tonight, when I walked into the pizza place, I was proud when a bunch of younguns yelled, "Hey Papa!" You'll love whatever they choose, but I'm with you, I'd be praying against Doodee. :) Congratulations! I know you'll make wonderful grandparents.

PK's BLOG said...

GLAD you weighed in. I'm a little more bull-headed than you (perhaps). And I've always been known for being a bit pretentious, so ... we'll see.