Thursday, December 25, 2008


At times like these, the greatest joys of our lives aren't the Christmas perfumes/colognes - sweaters - hoodies - comptuer cases - ipods - kitchen goods - weights - wristwatches - shoes - gift certificates - and everything else received in packages and bows ----- not even close.

The GREATEST joy is being with people you love - grown daughters - sons-in-law - eating together - watching the faces as they all unwrap (it took us 3+ hours today) - laughing - watching a movie with each other - just 'being,' if that makes any sense. It does. It makes a lot of sense.

I trust that is YOUR greatest joy as well and that you had the equivalent of it today.

Check back in tomorrow for that 'unraveling and late-breaking wonderful news' from the Taylors as promised on the 12/23 blog - and check out our VIDEO CHRISTMAS CARD below.

And be blessed.

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