Sunday, September 21, 2008


Today was the second week of our "ONE MONTH TO LIVE" campaign. LIVE PASSIONATELY was the theme.

The main points were:
Do something drastic.
Expect something unexpected to happen.
Take action NOW.

After the service, in honor of this message's content in order to urge all of us to get up out of our seats and DO SOMETHING out of the ordinary - go out on a ledge. So, we had an 18-foot tall rock climbing wall in our parking lot. Several were going up it when I walked out of the building around 12:30. There was also a large trampoline for people to 'get out of their box' and 'live' a little. Several hula hoops were available to have fun with as well (refer to my blog of July 30). We were also encouraged to 'get up and serve' somewhere in church life. For many, THAT is a frightening concept as much as scaling a rock wall is.

I love being part of a church that isn't afraid to do some crazy and fun things occasionally. How great to be driving by on Highway 50 about the time 3 people are scaling a big rock climbing wall in the parking lot. Can you imagine people thinking to themselves, "I wonder what they're always doing over there at that church?"

That's exciting to think about. Let's stay on the "ONE MONTH TO LIVE" track. It promises to be a great ride for the next several weeks together.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Do something drastic.
Expect something unexpected to happen.
Take action NOW. I did just that. I went home and wrote a eulogy for my unsaved Jewish uncle. It’s really a letter from him to be read at his funeral urging all to open-mindedly investigate Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah. Oh, did I mention that my uncle has not yet died. That’s the drastic; expect something unexpected to happen part. I will be seeing him shortly and don’t expect to leave him this visit before he accepts Christ as his savior. I want him to sign his name to the letter, right under the last line that states,” I am Arthur Thilem and I approve this message.”

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathie, I hope you are successful in your mission.
H Thilem