Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I love the internet. It is fantastic. The person who invented it - Al Gore or whoever - was a genius. Actually, it was invented by American computer scientist, Vinton Cerf. Which, if you have a name like Vinton Cerf, you'd better create something ultra-cool like the internet in order to make up for a really weird name.

It was developed in 1973 as part of a project sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Defense. It began as a computer network that linked computer networks at several universities and research laboratories in the United States. The World Wide Web was developed in 1989 by English computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee for the European Organization for Nuclear Research. After ten years of hard work, the official INTERNET rolled out in 1983.

Know where I learned all that cool information? On the INTERNET!

What a tool it is for us to use in 2008. Amazing. We should use it as much as we can to spread the gospel - and I mean RIGHT NOW - TODAY - without delay - in as many ways as we can think of.

Here's some more trivia that fits in here. In 2001, the U.S. Census Bureau released a study to show how many years it took before 60% of households used the various media technologies. Here are the results:

Telephone - 30 years
Radio - 10 years
Television - 5 years
Cable TV - 27 years
VCRs - 10 years
Computers - 15 years
Internet - 2 years

It's just sitting there waiting for us to take advantage of it for the cause of Christ. Visit our new website at http://www.kfaog.org/

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

dude! do you really have the book "Brothers we are not professionals" by John Piper on your book shelf???


Anonymous said...

I like the church's new site and I absolutely agree whole heartedly with this post. Many people spend hours upon hours on the internet. As the church, we need to seek out our young people and our artists to create media and sites that benefit the kingdom and reach the world.

PK's BLOG said...

Of course I do. It is an amazing and thought-provoking book. As well as a variety of other books.

Anonymous said...

I just joined Goodsearch this morning as my search engine. I looked up Evangelizing Online and came up with this website:


Might prove to be worthwhile. I need to check it out further. Just a thought. They have people from many countries in these chat rooms.

Anonymous said...

I just have to add one more thing. I am a member of ONE...dedicated to fighting world poverty and AIDS/HIV. I just got an email today with their new ad. Here it is:
