Friday, July 25, 2008


This blog is a continuation from three days ago. Please be strongly encouraged to enter the discussion by posting a comment on these last three day's blogs. Thanks.

Activity used to drive our thinking. We used to say, “We’re having backyard Bible clubs all summer.” That’s an activity and the clubs were effective – in 1980.

That style of thinking has changed somewhat. If a native says, “We’re going to have backyard Bible clubs this summer,” an immigrant says, “Why?”

A befuddled native sees this as opposition or resistance.

The immigrant might then say, “Why in the Campbell’s backyard? Why not at the Smith’s down the street? What’s so strategic about the Campbell’s place?”

After the native answers that question, the immigrant might ask: “What are we going to do with the clubs in order to follow up?”

Today’s immigrants are saying, “We can no longer be an event-oriented society; we need to move toward being a system-oriented society.” An event begins and ends, while a system focuses on the means to get there as well as what happens next - STEPS to get somewhere.

A native might say, “Here we are! Come be part of us. Find out what we believe. It's awesome!” Or, “How can we help? There are so many homeless; let’s start a new homeless shelter.” An immigrant might say, “Why should we start that ministry when there’s already a shelter downtown? How can we resource THEM? Why should we start a home for unwed mothers? Let’s find out who’s already providing that service and then figure out how we can enhance their efforts.”

A native: “What can we do?”
An immigrant: “What can we do thru others?”

So which are you: IMMIGRANT or NATIVE? And remember, NEITHER IS BAD.

A poll will follow this series of blogs – come back for that – where you can tell us whether you are an immigrant or a native. And remember -- NEITHER IS BAD.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

PK's BLOG said...

I don't think 'promoter of unstability' is a bad thing at all. There is little change going on without tipping the stability jar over. It takes someone to help do that. I think, in that context, 'promoter of chaos' is indeed a GOOD thing.