Thursday, June 26, 2008


I hate the word 'paradigm' (pronounced 'pair-a-dime'). Someone used it in normal conversation with me today and I cringed. I suppose I cringed because I don't even really know what it means. I've actually used it MYSELF and I STILL don't know what it means. I've heard it used frequently in the past couple of years - but honestly, the definition escapes me.

So I looked it up on Here you go: "a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline." OK. Yeah. Way better now.

Anytime anyone believes we need to change the way we think about something, they bring out the 'paradigm shift' sword - as if being the first person in the conversaton to use the phrase gives them the upper hand.

"Honey, this separating colors from whites in the wash idea is a big waste of time. I think we're ready for a paradigm shift on that."
"Oh! It's a paradigm shift!?? Well then, in that case, you must be right!"

But what I think I've come to understand is ... paradigm suggests a major change in theory or behavior ... what happens when events no longer fit the 'normal' way of doing things.

Ever thought that about Jesus? He had a pattern for destroying 'normal.' There is a whole list of things Jesus spoke in Matthew 5 where He says, "You have heard it said (such-and-such), but I say to you (something different) ... " PARADIGM SHIFT.

There is a new paradigm today in our Jesus-culture. It's called serving.

Serving through “small” acts — words of kindness, buying someone coffee or lunch ...
Serving through hospitality ...
Serving through “protecting the reputation of others” — refusing to gossip ...
Serving through listening attentively ...
Serving in secrecy — one of the most powerful and effective ways of developing humility ...
Serving through the giving of your time, talent and treasure ...
Serving ALL, not just whom we choose — friend and enemy, rich and poor ...
Serving through being available and vulnerable ...
Serving through bearing one another’s burdens ...

Did I say that was a NEW paradigm? Well, it's not. It's at least 2,000 years old - but I like what I'm seeing. Wanna get in on it?

Here's to my new friend, the paradigm shift.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I’m right there along side of you. No one hates the word PARADIGM more than me.
My hate stems from the fact that whenever I seen the word I never, ever know how to pronounce it. A real wrath fills me as I try and get my tongue around the letters and attempt to pronounce it. I want to say, “para dig mmmmmmmm”. Then I search my brain to try and recall how to correctly say it. I get frustrated because I know that para dig mmmmmm is wrong. I have no intention of stopping and playing word search games. The frustration mounts. Finally it comes to me, para dime. Great! Now I just need to remember what the heck it means. More frustration. I have just wasted precious time trying to deal with a silly word when I have so much more to do in life. I’m a get-to –the-point kind of person. This whole word search problem is so contrary to who I am. I just want to thank you for allowing me this opportunity to finally spew my frustrations; it brings out the ugly, sinful side of me. I feel cleansed now that it’s out and I can just go forward and have a productive day. I hope that you have the same.

Anonymous said...

A Paradigm?? Sorry, I only have four nickles...will that suffice?

I'm with ya dude...

PK's BLOG said...

a pair-a-dime ... and a partridge in a pear tree.

LA Nickers said...

So . . . with inflation and all . . . if you toss your own two cents in, must you know toss in a PAIR of DIMES?

Oww. ;-)

Just for fun:
MANATEE OF VANITY, at Nickers and Ink