Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am in pain.

Hold on. Let me back up and explain. Stay with me.

I am committed to change. I'm not talking about moving the drums to the other side of the platform or putting a different flavor of coffee at the church cafe or changing the color of the lobby paint. I'm not against any of those changes, but that's not the kind of change I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the change God wants to do in ME, the pastor. Some of that change is painful. There is often a period of brokenness we go thru where God changes us ... where we look our own failings and inadequacies right in the eye and submit them to the Renovation of God.

Maybe I'm overstating it, but it seems that what happens inside a pastor (ME) has a direct impact on the church. Before the church changes, the pastor (ME) must change ... and not without some pain. Maybe great pain. For both church and pastor (ME), and probably not in that order.

There are all these great bottled-up ideas out there - the next great church model - the next great book or magazine - the next great CD or DVD - but REALLY - they are all pretty meaningless unless the pastor (ME) is open to look inside himself first.

Surrender to pain. The pastor (ME) doesn't have what it takes to help us reach our potential - or get us to the next level --- so the pastor (ME) has to surrender himself to be changed before he tries to change the church.

I am committed to change. I am committed to pain. I am committed to let God change how I think about myself and the ministry. I have to do that before I even BEGIN to dream about how the church might change. In other words, MY life has to be re-tooled - who I am, what I think about, my motives, my relationships - before I can tell you anything that might make a difference in your life.

God has called me to be a pastor/shepherd of a congregation, which means what happens inside ME will be significant to those God is attempting to influence thru me.

I can bemoan the thought that I work my head off trying to create exciting and authoritative messages week after week and attempting to deliver them with spell-binding effectiveness month after month, yet it seems people aren't growing much. There are people who have been coming to church for years and the Fruit of the Spirit doesn't seem to be present much in their lives. There is judgmentalism of other believers, disdain for unbelievers and criticism of the way I lead. There may be some high-octane business leaders in our church who think I just don't know HOW to lead.

I may feel that I'm always 'on call' ... running to hospitals, setting up meetings, having breakfasts or lunches with people, trying to be at birthday parties and graduations, weddings and funerals. Since most people work during the day, I try to free up some evenings to meet with them, which takes me away from my family.

Volunteers?! We have the typical 20% of people doing 80% of the work. I'm tired trying to recruit people to do various ministries in the church. I'm tired of guilting people. Many are too busy today to do anything but attend on Sunday mornings.

And MONEY?! Man! We'd love to re-design some of the church interior, fix up much of the exterior, hire some people to do some family and counseling and outreach ministries - but though we are growing - the money doesn't keep pace all the time.

But I am committed to change ... and to pain, if necessary. But the primary drive is not to change the volunteerism percentage in our church - or to change the money situation - or to change the schedule of meetings or the work load -- but to let God change ME. The DEEP me.

The problem is ... people, including ME, rarely change until there is significant pain with the way things are.

God, bring the pain - and the change. I am ready.

Be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you are pretty awesome now, but I know that whatever changes that God is making in you....you will come out of it stronger and wiser. I think growth is always a positive in our lives. I'll be praying for you and for our congregation.

Mrs. M said...

I always am amazed by your candidness. Being a military wife, I am constantly dealing with change. Sometimes with so many life 'changings' going on...it is hard to pray for the spiritual change that we need also...because the other stuff is painful enough! I am always praying for FAG and the leadership there and specifically for you...I also pray as my family comes back under your guidance that God will change us spiritually and draw us closer to Him. Awesome post.

Anonymous said...

I suffer the pian of change - right there with you. And you are SO Correct. If you do not lead by example (pain/change) then the church will not grow. It is God's way that you go first. You cannot lead where you won't go! You can't teach what you don't know.

And for some of us "out there' in your church, we are waiting for you to change. Don't misunderstand me! Where you are is great - but to move the church forward you have to take the risk and change.

Really it is the same for any one of God's children who commit to seek His Face Only.

I pray for you - for you (greek plural) to be strong and courageous, despite the 'role' that is imposed upon you by the church, to seek His Face and to be consumed by Him in order that you may fulfil the ministry to which you have been called.

Only Jesus.

Oh, yeah - you can do it.

Anonymous said...

Pain is never fun, regardless if it is for the good. But knowing that it's necessary to continue growing in the Lord, it does help in persevering. I, too, am going through major growing pains through a life-changing event that I never thought I'd have to endure. But I know God has a plan and I can see the good coming out of it already.

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Where in the New Testament do we ever read that change in a church depends on one man or a single leader?

PK's BLOG said...

It doesn't DEPEND on a single person - but as God moves in the lives of leaders, organizations are impacted. I cannot ask people in my congregation to change if I have not first submitted MYSELF to the altar of change. It is leadership via example, not by writ.