Saturday, May 3, 2008


Tonight I was dressed in waiter's garb -- black on bottom, white on top - and I had the opportunity to serve a bunch of people at a 5-course dinner (each course comprised of three elements). There was a 'catch,' though. The 'catch' was that the menu was written in code so the feeders didn't know exacatly what they were ordering.

Which meant for course #1 they might get spaghetti, peaches and a cup (with no utensils)--- or they might get a fork, ice cream and tossed salad --- or they might get corn, a knife and a spoon. So you might have a grown man eating spaghetti with just his fingers, like a caveman, which I saw happening with alarming regularity. LOOK OUT! SOMEBODY MUST BE REALLY HUNGRY! And so on and so on thru all five courses. They didn't know what they were getting until the waiters brought it out. And each person got something different, depending on what they ordered. It's all very complicated.

Yet this meal reminded me of a return to simpler times. It wasn't like one of those dinners where you eat on tablecloths and fine china with 6 forks to the left of your plate and 3 forks above your plate - where you have to watch the person next to you out of the corner of your eye to make sure you use the right one. It was just paper plates and spaghetti - eat with your fingers stuff.

And as I'm standing there watching people devour cottage cheese with their fingers, it struck me how very complicated life has become. Remember eating chocolate cake with no fork? When was the last time you did that? On your first birthday?

But today? On Monday, you get up early -- throw some breakfast together -- take the kids to school -- do a quick errand -- get to work -- labor very hard all day long, lunch optional -- leave work -- run some more errands -- grocery shop -- run to the kids' sporting events -- cram down supper -- do some yardwork -- get the 4th grader's homework done -- fix some things around the house -- fit God in there someplace -- go to bed exhausted -- rinse and repeat on Tuesday.

What happened to just sitting around eating spaghetti with your fingers?

In 2008, multi-tasking is REQUIRED or you're nobody. It is the new 'badge of honor.'

But hold on.
Can we SLOW DOWN a little?

It’s easy to speed through the day and not notice the little things. Slowing down is a vital part of simplifying your life and enjoying what you have. The only moment we are guaranteed to have is this moment. Life is so precious, yet we spend our most valuable resource - time - on things that are unimportant.

Spending time with family, laughing, enjoying the antics of a pet, experiencing intimate and heartfelt moments with a friend - these are the times that are precious and free.

Enjoy what you have. It is said that 'in order to live the life you love, you have to love the life you have.'

So I challenge you to think more simply. We can start a simple revolution, YOU AND ME. Here are some concrete ideas to take to heart ...

Go outside and watch the grass grow. Look at the clouds. Unelss it's raining. No, I take that back. If it's raining, go outside and lift your head and let it fall.
Curl up on the couch with a good book. I recommend "THE GIVING TREE" by Shel Silverstein.
You like baths? Take one.
Listen to yourself breathe -- watch the clock tick -- drink a cold glass of ice water really slow (no brain freeze) -- enjoy someone you love.
And that spaghetti? Lose the fork -- and GO FOR IT.

I hope you take this to heart -- and be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Pastor Kevin,
You have a gift of finding the extraordinary out of the ordinary and simplicity out of the complex. In each case, you challenge us to examine our lives and stretch ourselves. Keep Pastoring, anyone can wait tables. Another great blog!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I was looking for one tonight when I got home!