Monday, May 19, 2008


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You've seen them on fairy tales and in movies -- one minute they are flying around smashing anything that moves with their forked tails, breathing fire and scorching everything in sight -- and the next minute some little kid is sitting encircled by their long necks stroking and patting their heads, like they wouldn't hurt a fly. DRAGONS.

It seems like, right after some of your biggest victories come your biggest defeats -- right after your greatest emotional successes come your largest emotional drains. Funny how that works out.

If you're involved in leadership of any kind - at your job - on your block - at your church - as a volunteer - doesn't really matter WHERE ... you know that doing anything effectively means time, creativity, patience and effort. Working with people has the potential of draining you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Sometimes the people who end up draining you are actually sincere, well-meaning folks - it's just that they drive you to distraction and sap your energy and vitality. They aren't intentionally destructive. Often they are outwardly zealous for the same things you're zealous for. But many times you just kind of wish they would go be PILLARS for the organization down the street instead of yours.

Necessary qualities for leaders have been described this way: "Mind of a scholar ... heart of a child ... hide of a rhinoceros." Comforting? Not exactly.

So - what to do?

SIMPLE STEP #1: Realize you cannot please everyone. Jesus couldn't; what makes you think YOU can?

SIMPLE STEP #2: Do not play their game. Say 'No' to unrealistic expectations. Stand up and 'tell the truth in love.'
PS - don't forget the "IN LOVE" part.
PSS - don't forget the "IN LOVE" part.

SIMPLE STEP #3: Do not even THINK about retaliating. Repeat this to yourself 10 times: "I resist the urge to dragon back." Come on. I'm waiting. I can't HEEEAAAAARRRRR you!!!!

SIMPLE STEP #4: Pray for them. If you pray for a person who is a DRAGON to you - and you do that for 30 days straight - something incredible will begin inside you. Your attitude toward that person will begin to CHANGE. And God will change THEM ... or He will change the SITUATION ... or He will change YOU (gasp!). So, pray.

NOW ... go find a dragon - you probably won't have to look far.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy peaking through the kaleidoscope of everyday life you set before us. Seeing things through a changing lens opens up both challenges and potential triumphs. Again, thank you for taking the time to shed some light and offer some wisdom.