Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I was just thinking how beautiful the weather has been these past few days. It seems we went straight from 35 degree weather every day to 70 degree weather every day. How great is that? I love it.

I wake up to birds chirping -- no jacket necessary -- put my car windows down -- etc.

Then - today - I ran across this article that talked about "How to keep your bunny cool?" Your BUNNY! I don't HAVE a bunny and even if I DID, I'm not sure it would cross my mind whether it was warm or not. But sure enough, there are helpful hints about how to keep him/her/it cool.

I know you're dying to hear what the hints are. Here goes:

A - Make sure he is out of the sun.
B - Make sure there is a shady space for him to rest.
C - Set up a circulating fan to blow on him.
D - Place a ceramic tile or marble square under him.
E - Put a couple of ice cubes in his water.
F - Mist his ears.
G - Put a frozen water bottle by him so he can lean against it to keep cool.
H - Feed him his fair share of veggies for hydration.
I - Be watchful if he is over 5 years old, overweight or incapacitated.

Now I don't know if you're like me at all in this, but these are the EXACT same nine things I like having done to ME when I'M hot. Exact same. Even F. So that's AMAZING!

By the way, should your rabbit suffer heat stroke, DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT - submerge him in cold water. Don't do that to ME either if I suffer heat stroke.

I am now searching the internet for what to do when your hamster is bored. I thought I could get some good tips on that.


Darren said...

how timely! my bunny was just looking a little flush. this is probably my favorite topic so far - i'm looking forward to an invigorating exposé on hamster life.

PK's BLOG said...

Quirkier the better for you, huh? And you're marrying my DAUGHTER, are you??

Darren said...

i like this post because it's the type of thing i would think about if i happened to stumble over that article and it makes the other topics even more honest and vulnerable - this is truly a "Day in the Life" blog...i do still have your permission...right?

Anonymous said...

My bother, my brother, my brother, it is 1:30am here in Thailand and I am laughing into my pillow as not to wake Barb & Hannah. I had to reread the posting twice to see if it was for real.
I'm not sure about the whole bunny thing other than they taste delicious straight out of the convection oven. : )

Dave K

PK's BLOG said...

Glad to bring some joy into your otherwise already joyful life.

PK's BLOG said...

Darren - yes -- I'll let you know if I change my mind.

Anonymous said...

Words of Wisdom: Be careful if someone is "misting your ears" on a hot day if you are prone to ear infections.

You are SO silly! I'll have to keep reading this for sure while I'm in California.

LA Nickers said...

Don't know about hamsters, although our guinea pig can be a bit temperamental.

However, if your horse happens to be overheated on a humid summer day, I think I can help:


Did I hear someone ask about horses?
