Thursday, April 3, 2008

THE B - I - B - L - E

I was sitting here in my office early this morning and saw one of my old Bibles across the room lying on an end table. Rather than the leather binding facing me ... it was the pages that were turned my direction. I noticed something about that Bible I hadn't noticed before. Certain page edges were darker than others - like a lot of time had been spent on those particular pages -- finger oils - dirt ... AND ... certain pages were turned down - looked like they had been for a long time. Almost as if you plopped the Bible down on the floor, it would automatically open to certain sections.

That kind of intrigued me. So I got up, walked over and opened it up to those pages. Some looked almost like they'd been licked at the top 1,000 times. I sure don't remember ever doing that, but there were definitely some marks as if someone had tried to grip a page over and over in order to turn it, but for some reason, they just couldn't - or they kept on coming back there.

There were a lot of underlinings and highlightings on those pages. And as I read, it became clear to me that these were the areas I had struggled with most often - things God had been working on the inside of me about - and still is. I also saw that some of those same passages described things God had helped me conquer. That part felt very good.

By the way, in case you're curious, the pages in question were pgs. 506, 565 and 855 of my Bible. And my question to YOU is ... which pages in YOUR Bible are discolored?

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