Monday, March 31, 2008


It's Monday morning - and it's raining. I didn't want to get out of bed this A.M.; that's how I knew it was raining. I wanted to just pull the covers right up to the top and stay there and lay there; it was raining. And I had this weird feeling in my joints.

Rain brings out the best in me and the worst in me. It makes me thankful because I know it's refreshing the earth and it's one of God's gifts to the land and to His people. Job 5:10 says God BESTOWS rain on the earth. He BESTOWS it. He graces us with it; blesses us with it; provides it for us; permits us to share in some of His best stuff - as a gift - wrapped in wet. And so, that makes me thankful, which is GOOD.

But then - I just want to stay in bed and enjoy that gift. And that's BAD. Actually, I don't KNOW if that's bad, but most of the people I know who know what I do would probably THINK it was irreponsible and bad.

So, I'm up and going. I'm not just SAYING that, because you don't really KNOW if I'm up and going or not. For all you know, I could be writing this from my bed right now with my laptop on my ... well ... on my LAP.

But no. I'm really up. Really I am. Let's both enjoy the rain today. No matter where you are. And be thankful.

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